Skerries by Éamon ÓMurchú


Ballybunion Community Market

This market continues every Saturday from 10 to 1.00 p.m. in the car park of the Community Centre, Ballybunion. Well worth a visit as new people are coming on board all the time.


Sobriety in Listowel in 1840

Boston Pilot February 1840

Mr. Cheevers, stipendiary magistrate at Listowel, is n zealous advocate of temperance, and liberal patron of the society newly formed there. Every species of locomotive power available is being put in requisition. Besides innumerable vehicles of every description, from the post-chaise to the jarvey, several extra cars of Mr. Bianconi’s left here on yesterday evening and this morning, literally crammed with temperance postulants for Clonmel, all eagerly anxious to seize the occasion to avail themselves of convenient opportunities afforded by Father’s Mathew’s Visit to Clonmel, to enrol themselves in the ranks of sober.


In the Garden Centre at KPFA Centre in Listowel

Mike, Seán and Lucy… by Noel Doyle



photo of Fintan MacCarthy and Paul O’Donovan from the internet

Paul O’Donovan, our olympic gold medal rower, is an extraordinary athlete. Since he thrilled us after winning his silver medal in Rio with his witty one liners and deceptively laid back demeanour we have looked forward to seeing him again in Tokyo.

He didn’t disappoint. This time he returned sporting a full beard and a new hairstyle. The hairstyle is suggestive of that of sumo wrestlers and before them the samurai. It’s called a chonmage and is the hairstyle of a warrior.

Paul is indeed a warrior. Long may he reign in partnership with his brother or one of the other classy Skibereen oarsmen.

Paul’s brother, Gary, was also in Tokyo as first reserve in case either Paul or Fintan got injured or fell ill.


On Betty McGrath’s wall in Courthouse Road
