A Church in Ballybunion

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A word
A word is dead
When it is said
Some say.
I say
It just begins to live
That day
Emily Dickinson
Where’s Wally

This walrus first made his appearance in Kerry in 2020. Since then he’s been on his holidays around Wales and Europe. He has recently returned to Waterford. While he is very sociable, lolling on piers and climbing into boats, people are reminded that he is a wild creature and should be approached with caution.
New Mural on Mill Lane
This whole Listowel Characters project is a great learning experience for us all. I am going to pass on to you what I learned today about the modern art of the muralist.

The blank canvas is the side wall of Kay’s Children’s Shop

This artwork is on a large scale so it needs a cherry picker to reach to upper part.

This is one of the first jobs, decanting and mixing the paint.

This morning, August 11 2021, the work has begun. The frame is done and the artist is doing the doodle grid.

This is a close up of a portion of the doodle grid. Traditionally muralists drew their picture on graph paper and then scaled it up to a corresponding grid on the big canvas/wall.
Modern muralists paint a doodle grid, sometimes called a lazy grid. The doodle can be anything. Some artists use numbers or letters. Our man had a bit of fun, using names, declarations of love and a blatant dig at the locals anxious about the football semi final against Tyrone.
Then he takes a picture of the doodles. Using his doodle app he can superimpose the picture he wants to paint on to the doodle picture. We then uses the underlying doodle as a guide to what to paint where on the wall.
If my description is a bit puzzling, Google “Doodle Grid” and you will find lots of Youtube tutorials on how to do it. Fascinating!!!!
Bridget O’Connor
Very informative Mary. Thank you for the lesson on the ‘doodle grid’. You learn something new everyday. I’m looking forward to seeing more photos on your blog of Listowel’s second mural. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on what’s happening in Listowel.
Míle buíochas.