Listowel Drama Group: The cast of Drama at Inish, 1955
Back Row: Ned Flaherty’s (son of John at the far right), Mick Relihan, John Kirby, Kathleen Stack, Brendan Carroll, Arthur Paige, Kevin O’Donovan, J. Casey, Helen Kennelly (O’Flaherty at the time), John OFlaherty.
Front: Thomas O’Connor, Nora Relihan, Hilary Nielson,. Kathleen Heneghan, Margaret Moloney, Bill Kearney and Cecile Cotter.
Back to the land
Last week, for the first time in an age, I paid a visit to a working farm. If you have no interest in the country, cheerio for now and I’ll see you tomorrow.
It is still calving season and there were calves everywhere.
This little lad was only a few hours old.
I was introduced to two daddies. The young buck was not so friendly. Henry, the older lad, I was assured, wouldn’t hurt a fly. I’d prefer not to put that statement to the test.
I gave both bulls a wide berth.
The ladies of the herd were outdoors enjoying the March sunshine. The old bath was enjoying a new life as a water trough.
That scourge of the countryside, the mink, has wiped out the farmyard fowl on this farm but the birds of the air are welcomed and fed all year round….pure spoiled.