Powerscourt: Eamon ÓMurchú


Kerry artist; Mike O’Donnell

Mike O’Donnell’s intriguing artwork could turn up anywhere in Tralee. His subjects could be having a ball at UHK or sailing the high seas in the Jeanie Johnson.

He called this on “Time Flies”.

They’re up the walls in the canteen at Kerry University Hospital.

She sails again, the Jeanie Johnson


Inter firm Pitch and putt competition 1990

Left to right; Paddy Lynch, ?  , Michael Whelan, John O’Connor, Tom Fitzgerald, Willie Enright, Ian Nugent, Barry OLeary, Peter Curtin, Gabby McCarthy and Jim Maher


Helios in Kerry

I’m practicing my French on this canine visitor. He is Helios and he understands French. I have my ‘Ici” perfected by now. Luckily for me he is a very obedient dog so he responds to an authoritative tone in any language. He is years older than my previous canine visitor so he doesn’t require anything like the same amount of energy. He likes a walk, but nothing too tiring.

I have given him the guided tour of the town in stages.

The eagle eyed among you will spot a difference between day1 and day 2. It’s the ears.

His first day in Kerry was spent in Woof, near Lisselton where the very competent groomer, Claire, gave him a make over. He had a mani pedi, a shampoo and blow-dry and he had all the long straggly hair on his ears clipped off. It took 10 years off him.


The Circus 2020 is different