This is the social photo from the Mairín MacMahon archive. We think that it is from the 1940s when there was a very strong branch of The Irish Red Cross in Listowel.
Margaret Dillon has very kindly helped with some of the names.
Sitting :……., Mona or Phil Duggan,…,…..Kennelly…., Maureen MacMahon, Clementine Crowley,…,…..,Kit Medell , Mai Kathleen O’Sullivan
1st. Row standing: Man in uniform? Dr. Johnny Walshe, Dr. Buckley, Canon Peter O’Sullivan, Canon Wallace, Fr. Gerard Dillon, …., …..,Helen Mc Elligott, Marie Stack Grimes, Mr. Leahy.
3rd. Row: Vincent Carmody,…., Hillary Nielson,….., Mrs. Walshe, …….., Christy Keogh, ……, ……., Louis Murphy,…..,……, Anne (Nash) Wixted,………,………., ………..
Back Row;…………
If you are reading this and tecognising yourself or anyone else in the photo please email me and let me know. You’ll need your magnifying glass.
Photos from this era or indeed from any era are very popular with blog followers so if you have any hanging around the house do share them with us please.
This is turf season. The photo comes from Fermanangh in 19922 and shows a meitheal of men clamping turf on a huge area of bog.
The following three documents relate to the notorious industrial school in Glin. The first two were written at the time and are self explanatory. The third is an extract from the Ryan report into conditions in orphanges and industrial schools. Glin reformatory was a truly dreadful place.
Valerie O’Sullivan’s photo from The Four Peaks Challenge for Focus Ireland.