My Boyeens are all Grown Up
That was then.

This is now.

Blink and they’ve grown.
Jam on it

God be with the days. Once upon a time you could buy jam in one pound and 2 pound pots.

All over town there is upgrade work going on on shops and roofs and facades.
The Lumper; The Famine Potato
Raymond O’Sullivan decided to do a little experiment this year and he has kept us, his Facebook friends, posted.
He planted a crop of Lumper potatoes. This variety is no longer popular as it has little or no resistance to blight.
Here is Raymond’s August update.

My experiment with Lumpers, the Famine potato, is progressing. Planted at the beginning of May (cuckoo spuds), they flowered in June, a month earlier than I expected, and, though I sprayed them twice with Burgundy Mix the haulms began to die back at the end of July, only three months from the planting date. I pulled a few stalks today and above is the result. A good crop, the eyes are deep, not as big or as ‘lumpy’ as one might think, with a couple of exceptions, but they are probably premature.
This is only mid-August, and they were still in the ground when the blight first appeared at the end of September in 1845.
If the result confirms the hypotheses, you’ve made a discovery. If the result is contrary to the hypotheses, you’ve made a discovery
{Burgundy Mix is a Bluestone and Washing soda mix discovered in 1860 as a protection against Blight. They had no spray in Famine Times.}