Spring has sprung

My lovely granddaughter picking daisies on the way from school recently.

Her sisters with “the scholars coming home”

Maybe Spring has not come quite yet to every part of the country

(photo; Farmers Journal)


Denis Hayes, Roches Street Limerick……..Chickens, I think.


Arsenic and Old Lace

I have it on good authority that this is the best set that Listowel Drama Group have ever constructed. The costumes look super too in Brendan Landy’s photo of a dress rehearsal.

Demand is heavy for tickets so get on to St. John’s at 068 22566 to book yours.

 The show runs until March 30


Have you brought any fish with you?

This is the photo on Breaking News’ website of Pat O’Connell and the queen of England. Pat and Her Majesty hit it  off when they met in Cork’s English Market and he donned the suit and tie to greet her again in her home. Pat is a practiced flirt with his chat up lines perfected on his fish stall in Cork where he is a hit with all the ladies. Queen Elizabeth greeted him with a warm smile and a quip about his fish business.

You can just see Niall Horan of One Direction in the background. He was another of the Irish movers and shakers invited to this exclusive bash.


Don’t forget Mammy on Sunday, Mothering Day March 30 2014. Lovely handmade cards and gifts available in Craftshop na Méar 53 Church St., Listowel.