
Mallow Camera Club;  Eamon O’ Donnell


St. Mary’s Listowel goes Green

Our Church on St. Patrick’s Day 2021


Remembering the Old Stock

This photo brought back memories for Billy McSweeney. Billy wrote;

Hi Mary,

I remember Tasty Cotter well and I also remember the man in the photo 
looking back over his right shoulder as Gerald McElligott, the Listowel 
Arms Hotel owner.

I hope you washed all the green paint from St Patrick off! Our 
children’s joke was that you had to go to the Sluagh Hall the day before 
to get your behind painted green

Billy McSweeney


Some Funnies

Vincent Doyle sent us these to help us raise a smile in these unsmiling times.


Sweep Ticket from 1960

Photo from Glin Historical Society on Facebook