Watch the birdie!
Timothy John MacSweeney took the two photos below of prey and predator. One is a hawk in flight. The other is a robin on a branch. Clarification: the two photos were not taken at the same location. No life was lost in the pursuit of the photographer’s art.
St. Patrick’s Hall Social 1960
This picture is from Vincent Carmody’s great Listowel book, Snapshots of a Market Town.
The clergy in front are Archdeacon Wallace, Canon O’Sullivan, Fr. Curtin and Fr. Galvin. The layman in the middle is Eddie Scanlon. Vincent has all the other names on page 15 of his book.
Remember these?
Ladybird books are celebrating 100 years this year. Above are some of the titles on my bookshelf.
Charles St.
Town end of Charles St.
Our Hard working Tidy Town Volunteers
(photo: Listowel Tidy Towns )
Listowel Emmetts Ladies U14
At training on Saturday (photo Listowel Emmetts Ladies)
Jim MacMahon Remembers Mick Doody
Jim MacMahon, formerly of Church St. has memories of Mick Doody too.
He writes:
Mick used to visit our house in Church St in I guess the 1940s. He was indeed blind and had a dog …he seemed to me like a character in a school poem …..Pinch and Caoch O’Leary. He came to chat to my father but primarily to upholster old arm chairs with horsehair for my mother. He was friendly with the Broders , Mick and Dan , who lived directly across the road from us , next to what is now Allos restaurant. I recall one incident vividly . While he was with us he heard that Mick had died and he asked my brother Garry to accompany him over the road to say his farewell to his friend . Garry told me that the night was very dark and there was no electricity in Broders….going up the stairs was scary for him. When they got to the wake room Mick went to the bedside and proceeded to feel all over Mick’s face and caoined him , so to speak , in what must have been an eerie if not biblical fashion.
Oh oh!!!!
Two Parent and Child Parking spaces at Lidl yesterday.