This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: John Carpenter

A Parade in the 1980s, Change is the peat industry in the 1960s and a Church Street skyline in 2019

At the Corner of Charles Street and William Street


Last of Danny Gordon’s St. Patrick’s Day in Listowel in the1980s Photos


Trinity College and Dame Street, Dublin in 1930

Photo ; National Library


Changing Times at Bord na Mona

A photo from the Foidin machine, taken in 1967. There’s also another one in the background. The Foidin or small sod programme, began work in 1965 and was an attempt to produce small sods of peat on milled peat bogs. This was because of a succession of bad summers during the 1960s. Much of the experimental work was carried out at Oweninny, Co. Mayo. However the machines were too big and the programme was dropped in the early 1970s. The seventies also brought a lot of dry sunny summers.

Photo and text: Tony McKenna


Look Up

Signs and shingles on Church St., Listowel in March 2019


Vincent Carmody on His Book Tour

Vincent met up with the Carpenter family, who are frequent visitors to Listowel, on his book tour cum holiday in the USA.

Photo: John Carpenter on Facebook

Listowel Connections

This Made my Day

I receive a good few messages from grateful blog followers. I do love a word of thanks every now and again. In terms of words of thanks, Eileen Herman, formerly of Brosna, went the extra mile and An Post deserves thanks as well. Who needs eircodes?


One I missed while I was ill

John Carpenter came and went while I was indisposed but he sent me a few photos of his visit. John’s Listowel ancestral home is in Upper William Street where his cousin still lives.

John’s late mother, Mary Elizabeth was born a Moore in New York City to William Moore of Port Henry, NY and Johanna Buckley of Listowel.  Johanna was the daughter of Laurence “Lar” Buckley and Ellen Kearney.  Johanna and William Moore had 4 children, William, Mary, George and Regina.  Only George and Regina remain.  Both Johanna and William died relatively young and both had passed by the end of 1940.  Mary Elizabeth was predeceased in 2001 by her beloved daughter Mary.

John with his Irish relatives at The Horseshoe

Taking a dip with his family in the icy waters at Ballybunion

Bill Keane gave him a lesson on how to pull a pint.


Some things change, some stay the same


Back Lane opposite the offices of the Revenue Commissioners

Now Tan.N.Go


Ballyduff felt a bit neglected in 1899

Kerry Evening Post , Wednesday, June 21, 1899



Mr Flavin asked the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster-General, whether he was aware that a petition largely signed by residents in the Ballyduff postal district of the County of Kerry was presented to the Postmaster-General praying for a Sunday delivery of letters, a money order office, and either telegraphic or telephone facilities; and would he explain why, seeing that all the surrounding villages are in the enjoyment of those benefits, the application of the memorialists of the Ballyduff district had been so long delayed from getting equal facilities in post office affairs?

Mr Hanbury—A petition we have received early last year asking for a Sunday delivery of letters and a money order office, but there is no trace of any application for the establishment of telegraphic or telephonic facilities. A money order office was established at Ballyduff under guarantee a year ago, but a Sunday post could not be sanctioned, because the existing service on week days was found to be remunerative, and additional expense for affording a Sunday service is therefore not warranted.

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