This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Knocknagoshel Page 1 of 3


In Marley Park, Dublin Photo: Eamon ÓMurchú


Ramping Up theExcitement a Bit


A Wash and Blow Dry

A horse on washday


Listowel Town Council 1979

Newly elected Council members. Photo shared by Mike Hannon.

May all those who have passed away rest in peace.


A Harrow

Our ancient ancestors used to harrow the soil with tree branches. Harrowing usually follows ploughing.

Does anyone remember Peann agus Dúch, a book of Irish essays we used to have in fourth class? The work of the farmer in spring was treabhadh (ploughing), fuirse (harrowing) is ag cur síol (planting).

Harrowing pulverises the soil.


Con Houlihan’s First Column

In his first newspaper column the great Con celebrated Knocknagoshel. The Kerryman reproduced the column last week.


Knocknagoshel, a Bike Park for Tralee and The Imeldist

Listowel Arms Hotel at Christmas 2019



I was back in Knocknagoshel after Christmas. I asked Kieran in the shop why,  when they made those souvenir fridge magnet signs, they made them of a dirty signpost.

He told me that it is not actually dirt on the sign. It’s an effect of weathering that makes them look like that. “If you go up to the graveyard,” he said, “You’ll see what I mean.”

So I did just that and, sure enough, the sign at the cemetery looks just like that.

Knocknagoshel cemetery is in a lovely location on a hilltop overlooking the rolling hills of North Kerry. Here it is.


More on The Imeldist

Research on line found that the Imeldist had some famous contributors over the years. I found the cv of the artist, Louise Béhal Price online in an ad for an exhibition of her work last April in a US town called DeKalb

Through My Eyes,” an exhibition of paintings by Rochelle artist Louise Béhal Price, will be featured from April 1 through 27 at The Art Box in DeKalb.

Born and raised in Ireland and educated by the Sisters of Mercy, Louise Béhal had always been interested in art because of her great natural talent. She won local awards, and several of her pieces were published in The Imeldist, a widely distributed Catholic publication.

At 16, she moved to Spain and enrolled in the San Jordi School of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona, graduating with a bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in painting, and a master’s degree in art education. She taught English as a second language in Bilbao, Spain, and continued to paint until she met her husband, Tom Price, who was in the Peace Corps.They moved to Ireland, where Louise ran a business matching Spanish students to Irish homes to learn English. After a few years, the business sold and she and her family moved to the U.S. Béhal Price continued to make art while raising her three children, entering and winning prizes in local competitions. As an adjunct professor she temporarily taught painting and life drawing at Kishwaukee College.

Dedicating herself to painting and drawing in her home studio, Béhal Price takes in commission work for landscapes and portraitures in oil paint and charcoal. As time allows, she shows her work locally and attends a drawing group with professor emeritus Louis Mustari and other local artists.

The paintings of Béhal Price reflect a mystique – a certain light and color that can only be attributed to Ireland. She will capture a serene image of a countryside, centuries old castles and mills by rivers and ponds framed with greenery enriched by the currents of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.


Bike Park for Tralee

Radio Kerry reported that plans are being made too develop an urban bike park in Tralee 

Knocknagoshel, Some Christmas Crafts and Second Class girls in 1950

Swan in Flight

Photo; Chris Grayson


My Super Talented Friends

I belong to a knitting and crochet group. Some people in the group are brilliant, not only at knitting and crochet but at every kind of craft. Here are just two of the beautiful Christmas things they have made.


Knocnagoshel’s Bible Garden

If you are in Knocknagoshel take a walk round the back of the church and spend a few minutes in the beautiful Bible Garden. It’s a hidden gem in North Kerry.


Second Class 1950

Marie Moloney has put her great memory for names to work on her old class photo. Here is what she came up with. Maybe someone else can fill in the last few.

Front Row L to R.:  X?,  Kathleen Enright, Eileen Roche, Kathleen Corridan [R.I.P],  Christine Keane , X?, X?, Siobhan OBrien, Frankie Chute 

Second Row L to R:  X?,  X?, Rose Slemon , Nora Hanrahan,

Brenda Dillon, Margaret Dillon , Marie Moloney, Noreen O’Connor, Jeanie Hartnett (Sugrue)  

Third Row L to R: X?,  X?,  Sheila Murphy, Helen O’Quigley 

Noreen O’Hanlon [RIP], Joan Duggan , Mary Walsh ,

Eileen Barrett, Phil Horgan, Joanie Rowan, Eileen Donoghue

Back Row L to R: Eileen Galvin , ?O’Keeffe , Norah Barry 

X?, Terry Buckley [RIP], Eileen Brassil, Patsy Brown (Spring)

Knocknagoshe, a Halloween Window and a Look Forward to Listowel Food Fair

The shadows lengthen as the sun declines

at St. John’s Tralee in October 2019


Promoting A Minute of Your Time

 With the lovely Sharon in Garvey’s Super Valu, Listowel


A Stroll Around Knocknagoshel

The Village Park


A Little Ditty

Three wise men of Gothan

Went to sea in a bowl

If the bowl had been stronger

My song had been longer.



Craft Fair


Listowel Florist Halloween Window


Listowel Food Fair 2019

Check out the great things in store for us next week.

Listowel Food Fair 2019

Helios, Knocknagoshel, a Poem and A Spooky Window Display

” I’m trying to read, Helios. Walkies later….”

Helios is the Cork Cogan family’s lovely dog.


Arise, Knocknagoshel

The charming village of Knocknagoshel is perched above its neighbours on a Kerry hillside.I took a wander with my camera and here is the first flavour of this village /nation.

Reynard greets you on your approach.

The purpose of my visit was to seek out Kieran in his village shop.

My book is now on sale in 100% of retail outlets in Knockgoshel.

I took a little stroll around as I was at it.


Halloween 2019

Knocknagoshel is the home of Halloween in Kerry but Listowel can do spooky too. Look at Finesse window.


Just for a Laugh

A Baby Sardine     by Spike Milligan

A baby sardine

Saw her first submarine

She was scared and watched through a peephole.

“Oh, come, come, come,”

Said the sardine’s mum,

“It’s only a tin full of people.”


Cogar Mogar

Aidan, Brendan agus Eamon ÓMurchú

Kay Caball snapped the three ÓMurchú brothers deep in conversation at the launch of

A Minute of your time.

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