This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Listowel Races 2016

Best Dressed Man at Listowel Races 2016, Gogglebox and a new boutique on Market St.

Two Famous Listowel Men

Billy Keane and Junior Griffin photographed by Mary McGrath at a surprise birthday party organised by his friends in badminton in John B. Keanes on Friday September 23 2016


Best Dressed Man Competition 2016

The ladies on the left were the judges of the best dressed man at Listowel Races 2016.  Above they are recruiting a local finalist for their competition.

These are some of the finalists with the judges.

Winner all right!

Will you look at how easy it is for the men. They can rock up in fine comfortable brogues and still win. The unstated dress code for the ladies includes vertiginous heels.


Wednesday’s and Thursday’s Racegoers

The Best Dressed Man competition took place on Thursday. Here are a few more people who were on The Island on Wednesday or Thursday, enjoying a great day’s racing.


Meanwhile some people had to work

The couple on the left of this picture came all the way from the U.S. to watch their horse run in Listowel. He obliged; He won.


Cavan Twins Replace O’Donovans as the Nation’s favourite Brothers

I read this story on and the photo is from there too. Apparently the story goes that there is now a programmme on TV3 in which we are expected to watch people watching television. These farmers, who are twins and live in Cavan, are the stars.

Part of the irony is that they don’t actually like television so they are eloquently dismissive of the programmes they are watching.


Market Street


Golfer, Rory McIlroy with Arnold Palmer at Bay Hill. Arnold Palmer, the king of the game passed away recently.

Rory posted this photo on his Twitter feed.

More Style from Listowel Races 2016

Autumn in Listowel

….Like one that on a lonesome road,

Doth walk in fear and dread

And having once turned round, walks on

And turns no more his head,

Because he knows a fearful fiend

Doth close behind him tread…..

This lonesome road is through Gurtinard Woods early on an Autumn morning 2016


More Style from Ladies Day 2016

There were some great prizes on offer this year. Many ladies left with lot of loot.

This lady won the prize for the best selfie. Let me tell you a good one. I totally misinterpreted the “best selfie’ category. I presumed that the organisers meant the best as in the most unusual or daft selfie. So I persuaded my friend to pose with me with Seán Bán Breatnach and Joe Stack. These were the closest we could get to celebrities on the racecourse. Ruby Walsh and Máire Derrane were busy. I hope the organisers got a good laugh. We did, anyway, when we realised the selfie was meant to be taken by an entrant in the Best Dressed competition.


Poem for the day…something completely different

A Dream Within a Dream

By Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!

And, in parting from you now,

Thus much let me avow —

You are not wrong, who deem

That my days have been a dream;

Yet if hope has flown away

In a night, or in a day,

In a vision, or in none,

Is it therefore the less gone?

All that we see or seem

Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar

Of a surf-tormented shore,

And I hold within my hand

Grains of the golden sand —

How few! yet how they creep

Through my fingers to the deep,

While I weep — while I weep!

O God! Can I not grasp

Them with a tighter clasp?

O God! can I not save

One from the pitiless wave?

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

The Races…the first photos

Races 2016

 The sun has set over Listowel Races 2016 and I’m slowly getting back to normal after all the excitement. I went to The Island on 5 of the seven days and I have some great stories to tell, so call back here during the week and you might find something interesting to amuse you.

My betting was less than a resounding success. I usually back horses who bear the names of people I know and love. Seanie was a typical bet……no joy!

I met Listowel’s Joe Broderick on Wednesday and he told me that he was going all out to win the vintage fashion competition on Saturday. He had his outfit. he told me and he had his story (the story is an important part of this competition). Proof of the pudding is in the eating as his victory on Saturday shows.

I’ll let you know the whole story one day soon. My photo shows Joe making his way through a throng of admirers in the Guinness tent after the best interview of the day on Saturday September 17 2016.

The lovely Mary O’Halloran had a beautiful outfit for every day she went racing. Isn’t her saddle hat just smashing? This lady with her friends, Maria and Anne, caught the eye of Tralee Today’s photographer. Anne and Maria had great stories and outfits on Saturday too. Watch this space!

Photo: Tralee Today


What is the story here? This is a wedding invitation from 1975……the full story and the Listowel Connection later in the week….

Listowel Races 2016 and Smalltown

It’s Raceweek 2016

I went to the island on Sunday Sept 11 2016. The crowd was small. The weather was cold and very windy and there is a long week ahead so many people found something else to do. The attendance at the Ballyduff Kilmoyley hurling replay was massive. Lots of reasons why people stayed away but I enjoyed having the place to myself to explore.

You’d never know who you’d run into on the island.

Bishop Ray seemed to be enjoying himself with his Listowel hosts, Shane and Jim.

Jimmy Hickey was there with friends. He has promised to give us a real treat very soon. He is going to give me some old footage of Listowel dancers on trips abroad. When I get my hands on it I’ll be sharing it with you on Listowel Connection.

The Sheahan family have a long association with Listowel Races.

These fellows were there to keep the children entertained. They were very popular.

This is the parade ring. Every year it gets a bit of a facelift. This year it is looking particularly spruce.

If your horse is first pat the post next time round, the parade ring is the place to be to see him coming in and his jockey dismounting. Then follows the debrief with the trainer and connections.

If you are lucky enough to get a ringside seat, you also get to see the winner being presented with his prize. Ringside seats were easier than usual to come by on Sunday.

I never knew there were so many different bridles available for racehorses. From my seat at ringside I observed that practically every horse that passed was sporting a different bridle. I think we used to call them winkers.


The Custom Gap

First glimpse  as you come into The Square for Listowel Race Week 2016


Did you watch Smalltown? It is the most gut wrenching show you will see in a long time. It is absolutely brilliant and it was made by a Listowel man.

It is a story about family, a rural Irish family who love one another but can’t express it in words. They don’t talk to one another much and when they do, it is often the wrong words that come out.

The two things that unite them are preparing food for one another and watching TV together.

Conor, the prodigal son, comes home to be present with his family in the final weeks of his mother’s life. Everything in his home town is the same and everything has changed. His awkwardness is so well captured we all know a Conor and we’ve all felt some of Conor’s feelings at times.

The family is breaking up, mother is dying in “the room”, Tom is out with his cattle and his farmyard chores, Conor is eating alone at the kitchen table and Timmy is watching other families resolve their problems in shouting matches on The Jeremy Kyle Show.

Conor cooks a meal for the family in a ham fisted effort at drawing them together. Funnily, just like these things happen in real life, the exposure to foreign “culture” works and the family eat the “shit” together in the bedroom while laughing together at some stupid show on TV. We just know as they do that this will probably be their last meal together and maybe their last happy memory as a family.

“For love, all love of other sights controls, 

And makes one little room an everywhere. ” John Donne

There is a scene in episode two when Tom, stripped to his bedtime attire of vest and boxer shorts,  slowly quenches the candles that light the room and climbs into the cold hospital bed beside his dying wife. She tries to comfort him as he tries to draw strength from the shell who once was his rock.  The scene is so well done, I challenge anyone to watch it without a tear.

There is loads more to Smalltown. I can’t wait for this Thursday when the mother will inevitably die. Will the English girlfriend come to the funeral? How will that go down?

I have never seen a Gerard Barrett film through to the end. Pilgrim Hill was so heart breakingly gloomy that I gave up. I didn’t venture to Grassland. Smalltown has won me over. I’ll definitely be at the next Gerard Barrett movie.

Dromcollogher 1926, Preparing for The Races 2016

Some signs that Race Week is upon us


Wedding at St. Mary’s 

Look at this novel use of old milk churns at a local wedding in St. Mary’s Listowel recently.


Dromcollogher Burning Remembered

“It was your typical rural Irish
village of the 1920s, everyone knew each other, and the big city media would
not have paid much attention to the daily events there. They wouldn’t have been
considered important enough.

But all that changed on Sunday,
September 5, 1926 in the west Limerick village of Dromcollogher.

The day started like every other
Sunday in the town with it’s residents readying themselves for Sunday Mass at
the local church.

A hundred or so yards away from the
church, at a local hardware store, Patrick Downing, a movie projector operator,
had travelled up from Cork to meet local hackney driver, William
“Baby” Forde, to partake in a little scheme to make a few pound
between them.

Forde had hired the upstairs loft
of the hardware store from Patrick Brennan, where they had planned to set up a
temporary cinema. Two trial runs at the location were a success, and this was
going to be the first time that they would charge an admission fee to see the

Forde had realised that there were
no movie showings in Cork on a Sunday, so he and Downing hatched a plan to
bring films from the Assembly Rooms Theatre on Sunday morning, and have them
back in Cork again by Monday morning. That way the theatre owners in Cork would
be none-the-wiser about the fact that their film reels had been missing on the

To show films privately was against
the law, so to hide the fact that he was doing this, Downing took the movie
reels out of their protective metal cases and placed them in a Gladstone bag
for transport to Dromcollogher. The metal cases would still be in Cork, giving
the impression that the films were where they were supposed to be.

The projector was set up on a table
infront of the only exit to the loft and the reels were placed beside it. There
were also two candles placed on the table to give light to them while they
checked both the money people were going to be paying and to read the reels as
they were being loaded into the projector to be shown. The candles were not
placed in holders, but they were held in place by hardened candle wax. The
showing was scheduled to begin at 2100 hrs so as to allow people to attend
Benediction at the church.

Locals then made their way from the
church to the hardware store and climbed the rickety outside stairs to the loft
and take their places in time for the screening. It was not long before there
were two hundred people packed into the tiny room.

The first of the two films, a short
movie called, “The Decoy,” was shown without incident. By this time,
one of the two candles on the table had burnt out. One candle remained alight.

Things turned for the worst after
the second film “The False Alarm” began.

There are many different
suggestions as to how the remaining candle was knocked over. Some say that
young boys in the room were throwing their caps at it in an effort to
extinguish it, in the hopes that they could make off with the takings without
being seen, however this story has not been confirmed. What is known is that
the candle did fall over onto a reel of naked film which exploded into flames.
A former Brittish Army officer and local Garda, Sergent Long was reported to
have noticed this and got up to kick the film off the table, but another man
got to it first and started using his cap to beat the flames, fanning them and
causing the table and the film to be engulfed in fire. A panic ensued and
Sergent Long was carried out of the room by the fleeing crowd.

Another Garda, Gda Davis, who was
also present, tried to demonstrate to the others that if they jumped through
the flames, they would be able to escape. Many people followed his advice and
escaped through the entrance. However, many people felt safer going to the
opposite end of the loft to the fire.

At this end of the loft, there were
two windows, which were barred. But because the loft had previously been used
for clandestine IRA meetings during the War of Independence, one of the windows
had the bars partially cut to facilitate a speedy escape in the event of an RIC

One former IRA member, John Gleeson
knew this and broke the bars allowing more people to escape. But with the heat,
the remaining bars began to expand and one woman was jammed between them,
cutting off this escape route.

Not long after this, the loft floor
collapsed onto the hardware store room, which contained things like wood, glass
and five gallon tanks of petrol.

August 1926 had been a dry month in
the region. The two wells in the town were dry and the level of water in the
nearby river was insufficient to help those trying to put the fire out. The
nearest fire brigade was in Limerick.

The building was completely
englulfed within a half an hour of the fire starting, and it was all over
within an hour. By this time 46 people had died. Two more were to die later in
hospital from their injuries. Only 21 of those who died were identifiable, and
the only way to know the identities of the other 27 was to find out who did not
come home that night. Of the 20 children present, 15 lost their lives. Half of
the people who had perished were below the age of 25.

Gardai came from Newcastle West and
sealed off the area. The army were also called in to help coffin the dead. So
many were dead that they hadn’t enough coffins. Special permission was sought,
and granted to bury the dead in a mass grave on the grounds of the Church. All
but one of the victims are buried there

“The Burning” as it
became to be known, was rarely spoken of in the area by the people of

The three men at the centre of the
whole affair, those being Brennan, Downing and Forde, were all charged with
manslaughter at the Central Criminal Court, but were acquitted. Forde later
emigrated to Austrailia where he was reported to have died after he replaced
flour with stricnine when baking bread during a rabbit hunting trip.

The tragedy made international
news, however some articles were not as kind to the people of Dromcolloghar as
they should have been, notably this one from the September 20 1926 edition of
US magazine, TIME: “One William Ford, storekeeper in the
village of Drumcollogher, County Limerick, welcomed to the musty loft of his
barn last week a crowd of eager Irish peasants who climbed up the single
rickety ladder, sat down in rapt expectance of Drumcollogher’s first cinema
show, a drama called The Decoy….”

(I took the above account of this awful tragedy from where the author is given as Billy the Squid.)



From Historical Tralee and Surrounding areas

From the Heuston collection . Taken back in the day . The junction between High Street, Staughtons Row and Bridge street (by the Garda station )

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