This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: War of Independence

Joe Hickey’s Story, postboxes, Entertainment during race week 1938 and Aimee Keane takes up her new job

English Post Box

Photo: Chris Grayson


Joseph Hickey of Listowel

Joseph Hickey of Colbert Street was awarded these two medals and they are kept safe by his son, Jimmy.

Joe’s story is an extraordinary one. He was only 15 when he joined the Volunteers. During the reign of terror of The Black and Tans the republican side often used women and children to carry messages and sometimes even guns and ammunition as they were less likely to be stopped and searched.

The Volunteers got guns from many different sources, some from the USA.  Joe was caught in the act of transporting a gun and he was brought to The Listowel Arms where the Tans were quartered. The punishment for gunrunning was that the gun was confiscated and became property of the British Army and the gun carrier would be shot.

However two things worked in Joe’s favour. 

1.The gun he was carrying was no ordinary firearm but a silver mounted pearl handled gun.

2. The ‘Tans were a lawless bunch. They decided to keep the gun for themselves and to let Joe go.

They played a game of cards among themselves to see who would have the gun.

Joe served time in Limerick and The Curragh after that. He was awarded two medals and he received an IRA pension.


Post box in Cornmarket Street, Cork


Listowel Races 1938

Kerry News Monday, September 19, 1938

At the Listowel District Court on Saturday, before Mr .C. S. Kenny, B.L., D.J..

This being the Annual Licensing Sessions and there being- no objections all publicans certificates were renewed.


Renewals of Wholesale Beer Dealers’ Licences were granted to Michael Dowling, Market Street, Listowel; Elizabeth Galvin, William Street, do.; George Gleasure, The Square, do., and Maurice O’Brien, Castle Inch, do.

Amedee Crowley, William Street, Listowel, was granted a renewal of General and Game Dealer’s Licences.


Agnes Macaulay, publican. The Square, Listowel, was granted an occasional licence for the Race Course Bar on the occasion of the Listowel Race Meeting.


Patk. Coffey, Tralee, was granted a temporary licence to hold dunces at “The Astor” Cinema, Listowel, on the three nights of the forthcoming Listowel Race Meeting. The hours fixed are from 11 P.m. to 6 a.m. on each day.


Patk. Sheahan, Kilmore, Ballyduff was granted a licence to hold open air dances in Listowel on the three days of the Listowel Races from 12 noon to 8 p.m.


The following were granted renewals of licences for dance halls: — Trevor Chute, proprietor of ” The Plaza,” Listowel. John Collins, in respect of Walsh’s Ballroom, Listowel. Michael Cronin, Secretary of the Lixnaw Coursing Club. Maurice Heffernan, owner of a hall situate at Shronebeirne, Duagh. John Curtin, in respect of a hall at Tourhane. Batt Joy, for the Bedford Hall. Timothy Kelly for a hall at Lisroe, Duagh. Timothy Langan in respect of the Lyons Memorial Hall, Duagh. Ml. Regan for the “Six Crosses” Hall. Michael Scannell, proprietor of Scannell’s Hall Listowel. Jerh. Whelan, In respect of a hall at Crotta. John Woulfe, for the Dromolought Temperance Hall.


New Face in the Office at Listowel Writers’ Week

Sinead McDonnell with our new programming and marketing manager, Aimee Keane

St. Patrick’s Day shop windows, 1920s Kerry and La Place now Coco Kids

William Street in February 2019


More St. Patrick’s Day Photos

Listowel shop window displays sometime in the 1980s photographed by Danny Gordon


A Sad and Troubled Time

In the 1920s  Kerry was a violently divided place. Here the civil war was truly a war of brothers and the War of Independence left scars that are only slowly healing today.

Last week The Irish Times published the following article.

‘Pray for me’: The last letter of an RIC officer executed by the IRA

Ronan McGreevy

The poignant last letter of former Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) officer who was executed by the IRA for being a spy has been released as part of the Brigade Activity Reports. 

James Kane, a fisheries protection officer in Co Kerry, was executed on June 16th 1921 on suspicion that he gave his former RIC colleagues details of eight IRA men who were  involved in the shooting dead of the constabulary’s divisional commander. 

Detective Inspector Tobias O’Sullivan was shot dead on January 20th, 1921 outside Listowel barracks in Co Kerry. Some time later men from the 6th Battalion, Kerry North Brigade, kidnapped Kane. They did so on instruction from IRA General Headquarters (GHQ) and interrogated him. 

After a prolonged period of interrogation he was executed on June 16th, 1921. His body was left by the side of the road with a note, “Convicted spy. Let others beware. IRA.”

Before he died Kane composed a letter to his family which is in the newly-released Brigade Activity Reports files of 1 Kerry Brigade. The letter is addressed to his children, one of whom is said to have cried out as the coffin was lowered into the ground, “Daddy, daddy”. 

It beings: “My dear children, I am condemned (to) die. I had the priest today, thank God. I give you all my blessing and pray God may protect you all. Pray for me and get some masses said for me.” 

Kane goes on to list the financial provisions he has made for the family and the money he owes to people locally. 

It is clear that his children will be left as orphans as he requests that he be buried next to his “loving wife if possible”. 

He concluded: “Don’t go to too much expense at the funeral and have no drink or public wake. I am told my body will be got near home. I got the greatest kindness from those in charge of men. 

“Good bye now and God bless you and God bless Ireland. Pray for us constantly and give my love to all my friends and neighbours and thank them for all their kindness.”


Then and Now

The Square, Listowel

Moyvane, War of Independence and Peter Robinson Settlers

Photo Chris Grayson


Moyvane Concert


Moyvane People

Sorry, I have no names and no provenance for the picture.


Ireland’s War of Independence

Denis Quille found this in a family album. The man on the right is his granduncle, Martin Quille. He doesn’t know who the others are. The women are more than likely members of Cumann na mBan and the men the IRA.

It looks like a Sunday or Holy Day, judging by the clothes. I’d say the guns were brought out as props for the photo rather than any serious intent at the time.


Farming Life

The following article appeared in an online journal, That’s Farming

Michael Flahive farms a herd of pedigree Kerry cattle on the 180-ft Bromore Cliffs in the Kingdom. Kerry cattle, one of Ireland’s oldest breeds has always had a strong affinity with the Flahive family.

Michael Flahive farms a herd of pedigree Kerry cattle and a commercial suckler enterprise comprising of Limousin and Charolais-crosses along the picturesque 180-ft Bromore Cliffs, one mile north of Ballybunion, Co. Kerry on the Kerry Wild Atlantic Way. Kerry cattle, one of Ireland’s own rare native bovine breeds, a native of the Kingdom has always had a strong affinity with the Flahive family for as long as Michael can recall.

“I was born and reared on the farm where I am based now and we always had Kerry cows. When I returned back to farming over one decade ago, I re-introduced Kerry cattle to the farm.” Michael Flahive told Catherina Cunnane of That’s Farming.

Michael, who is a member of The Kerry Cattle Society of Ireland now counts approximately twelve Kerry cattle, making this one of Ireland’s largest herds of Kerry cattle. It is believed that there fewer Kerry cows in the world than Giant Panda, with less than 1,000 beloved Kerry cattle dotted around the world. 

It is in the interest of Michael and other candidates to continue their efforts in a bid to conserve one of the world’s oldest and indigenous bovine breeds, as exemplified by their continuous interest in this field. 
“When REPS was first introduced, the breed was in a more positive position, as this increased the national and worldwide herds.In recent years, this has slipped back slightly in more recent times.” Michael explained.

“There is a subsidy of €120 for every Kerry calf born, but in order to qualify for this, you have to breed them pure and the calf has to be registered with The Kerry Cattle Society of Ireland.” Michael outlined.

Michael’s selective breeding policy incorporates the retention of replacement heifers which calve down at thirty-six-months, while the bull calves are sold to dedicated customers. A stockbull is retained on the farm until he celebrates his third birthday and an alternative bull carrying new blood is selected thereafter, however; Michael is currently utilising the best Kerry genetics available through A.I, with a belief that this practice will push the breeding programme to great heights this season.

“Our farm is located here on the cliff and it is fairly exposed. We opened up the farm six years ago for cliff walks and in order to offer this unique opportunity we established Bromore Cliffs.” Michael explained.

“They are a very docile breed and are very easy to manage. Kerry cows can calve up to 15-16 years of age, with ease, so they are very suitable for our farming system and geographical location.” He added.

“Occasionally, if the A.I fails or if other circumstances arise, we cross a Kerry cow with a Charolais bull and they calve without any intervention or assistance.Kerry cows produce calves within a 365-day calving interval; are excellent mothers and have strong maternal qualities.” Michael highlighted.

Looking forward to the future, Michael is satisfied the current size of both the pedigree herd on the home-farm and the commercial sucklers on the out-farm, with an objective to maintain quality, with no expansion plans stirring in the pipeline.

“There is great demand for milk produced by Kerry cows – the fat globules are smaller and it is easier to digest, making it suitable for people with certain food allergies. There is a demand for hand-milked Kerry cows, but they are very difficult to locate.” Michael explained.

“I have always had Kerry cattle and we will always have them,” Michael concluded.


Costello(e) Relatives Sought

Have you ever heard of the Peter Robinson Settlers?

If the answer is no, here is a quick History lesson.

Who were Peter Robinson Settlers? 

They were Irish people who relocated to Canada under a trial emigration scheme to relocate Irish “paupers” to underpopulated Canada.

When did this happen?

There were two waves of these settlers, one in 1823 and one in 1825.

How were these people chosen?

“Most of the emigrants were chosen from the area north of the Blackwater River in Cork from the estates of a few landlords though a number of Kinsellas, presumably from the southeast of Ireland, also went. Eight land owners chose 239 families with 37 other landowners picking the remaining 68 families. Emigrants were required to be peasants, and Roman Catholic although several Protestant families were chosen. No person over the age of 45 would be accepted. Each emigrant was to be given 70 acres which would be subject to a payment of an annual quit rent to the Crown, to be paid every six months at 2 pence per acre. 

Lord Listowel was one of the landlords who sent families. As well as families from his estate in Co. Cork he sent several families from among his Listowel tenants. Many of these are from the Ennismore area.

Where in Canada did they settle?

Mostly in Ottawa.

Where can I find out more?

Just Google Peter Robinson Settlers and you will find everything, ships manifests, names and dates etc.

Why am I writing about them today?

A descendant of one of these families called Costello is going to visit Listowel this week and he would love to meet up with his Irish family. 

Edward T. Costello living in Arlington, Virigina is visiting Kerry  ( May 13-25) to search for information on his  gt gt grandfather Michael Costello.

Michael Costello (1782-1826) and his family, reportedly from the Listowel area in County Kerry, left Ireland for Canada in 1825 as a member of a group of some 600 Irish families that were resettled in Ontario, Canada under the leadership of Peter Robinson (the Peter Robinson Settlers).  Each adult member of the family was given 100 acres of land and equipment and supplies to assist in settlement.  The immigration plan both reduced land pressure in Ireland and helped settle sparsely populated areas of Canada. Descendants of the original group (who settled in Ennismore Township) of Peter Robinson Settlers can be found both in Canada and the United States. Any information or insights concerning the Michael Costello family would be appreciated to 086-8269870. 


I met the lovely lady from the photograph

On Sunday, May 6 2018 at the craft fair in The Seanchaí I met Mary Dunne (Née Corridan) with Frances O’Keeffe and Aine Guerin.

We all saw a younger Mary in John Hannon’s Convent Street photo.

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