The Square, Listowel, July 2019
Molly in Ballybunion
She loves the seaside.
Water level was very low last week. That is not the case this week.
The back of the castle by Carroll’s Yard
Fascinating Fact
The animal that has saved most lives is not your faithful dog, your trustworthy steed or even your brave carrier pigeon. No, that honour goes to the horseshoe crab.
An extract of the blood of the horseshoe crab is used by th pharma industry to test that drugs, vaccines and medical devices are free from dangerous microbes.
The blood of the horseshoe crab has no haemoglobin, which uses iron to carry oxygen. Instead it has haemacyamin, which uses copper. Their blood is blue. They are not killed for their blood. The crabs are gathered by hand and brought to the lab alive. 30% of their blood is harvested. They quickly recover and are returned to the water. The blood is freeze dried and shipped around the world.
Horseshoe crabs can endure extremes of heat and cold and can go for a year without eating.
Athea is a beautiful little village. In summer 2019 it is more beautiful than ever. Its history is laid out in a well told story in blue plaques around town. Here are a few.
Entente Florale in Listowel
The judges are in town today. Listowel is looking beautiful. Seven European countries are taking part in the Entente and local Listowel shopkeepers have decorated their windows in the theme of these countries.
Perfect Pairs Irish theme
Utopia’s Netherlands window
Olive Stack’s Gallery is so so beautiful, full of flowers and mosaics and lovely things.
Come and Join a Guided Walk of Listowel
On Saturday next, July 27 2019, I will be leading my second (and last) guided walk. Why not come along and tell me a Listowel tale or two.
The guided walks continue for the summer starting from Kerry Writers’ Museum at 11.00 on Saturdays.