A Corner on Church St.


The Early days of The Lartigue Project.

Kerry’s Eye


Turf Cutting the old Way

These photos of turf cutting in the old way were shared on Facebook


Michael Collins Funeral

A brother and sister of Michael Collins pray at his graveside.


A Walk in the Park in May 2016

Poems are made by fools like me

But only God can make a tree.


Lovely Job being done on the former Kennedy Home


Squad Cars Back at Base



Ita Hannon found this old one.


Names….at last!

I posted this photo in September 2015 and asked for names.  Now Magella McGregor has come to the rescue. Here are the names she supplied;

First Row across left to right Joan Marie Vaughan, Marie Greany, Christina ODriscoll, Majella Maher
Second Row left to right Maureen Ahern, Eileen Lane, Breda O’Connor, …….., Mary Moran,…..
Third Row left to right Breda OConnell, ……Muireann Moloney, Marian ORouke RIP, Marie Buckley, Geraldine Buckley (sisters), Sheila Moloney and Teresa Lyons.