From Shannonside Annual of 1956
Once a Tidy Towner……
Breda McGrath is not fond of having her photo taken. So she didn’t pose but I snapped her doing her level best to make sure we win that gold medal again. Breda is just one of the many volunteers who work round the clock keeping Listowel looking beautiful.
A Very Strange Happening in 1842
Boston Pilot 9 July 1842
The Wandering Quakers. These silly fanatics arrived in Listowel from this town on Tuesday evening last, and formed their encampment in the extensive area in the rear of one of the houses in the square, under the shelter of which they sat in pious silence the greater part of the next day in expectation of obtaining followers, or at least hearers, and of being internally moved by the spirit to preach, sing or pray. Finding, however, after a great trial of their patience that, all their expectations were in vain, they rose and retired to Adam’s Hotel where they did justice to the good things of this carnal world, making atonement in the flesh for all that was wanting in the spirit. The next day the holy’ tribe set out on their peregrinations, after having excited the surprise and laughter of the good folks of Listowel. — Kerry Examiner.
The Land
John McGrath
I stand in fields where my forefathers stood once
And feel the dreams of those who’ve gone before me.
I tramp through damp and half-remembered pastures,
The folds and features of the land that bore me
All around. Above the sound of lark’s song,
Below the spring of earth beneath my feet,
The green and gold of April in the hedgerow,
The purple haze where sky and heather meet.
Where mighty men have thought to mark their passing
The furze creeps back to mock the spade and plough,
Those futile epitaphs of generations
In Folk Museums condemned to moulder now.
Where men have raised a fence or tilled a furrow
The land, as if to scorn their simple gains,
Erases each proud trace until tomorrow.
The men have gone; the land alone remains.
A Passover Meal in Pres. Listowel
I could guess a few names but I’d probably be wrong so I’m hoping someone will help us out.