Signs of Spring…tulips in bloom in Market Street in April 2018


Tarbert pupils in 1809

Somebody doing a bit of ancestor research found these names on this website

Ancestor Network

A list of 39 schoolchildren in Tarbert, Co. Kerry in 1809 from NLI Ms 17,935 (5). if you make a connection, we would love to hear about it to 

‘A list of the Scholars educating (sic) at the english school founded at Tarbert by the Governors of Erasmus Smith’s Schools. May 1809. 

Mary Kelly

Sarah Fowler (?)

James Fowler (?)

Michael Finucane

Ann Finucane

Catherine Finucane

Elizabeth McCormick

Catherine Ware

Mary Ware

James Supple

John Eggleston

Hannah Nott

Charles Conner

Mary Conner

George Ware

William Dillane

Margaret Dillane

Michl. Dillane

John Dillane

William Murray

John Enright

Edmond Fowlove (?)

John Finucane

Michael Finucane

William Cummins

Pat Cummins

Margaret Cummins

Abigail Murray

A list of Free Boys

Francis Kelly

Thos. Kelly

Willm. King

David Ferguson

Henry McCormick

John Nott

Thos. Nott

Thos. Murray

Charles Murray

Thos. Ware

George Farrel ‘


Dev’s love of Turf

This story and picture are from Bord na Móna Living History blog

When Todd Andrews took charge of the Turf Development Board in 1934, Eamon de Valera made sure to inform Andrews of the importance which he personally attached to the development of the bogs. He also assured Andrews that he would always be available to help with any problems he encountered.

Dev was deeply interested in the progress of bog development and took pains to make his support known in public. Year after year from the beginning of the scheme he visited the bogs every Good Friday. Frank Aiken usually tagged along as he was even more interested in the success of the scheme. There was a picnic lunch on those occasions and Andrews and the other Board members tried to get Dev to drink a bottle of beer as proof of his assertion that he was not a teetotaller. On the bog visits Dev made a point of greeting the staff at all levels and discussed issues with them.

During the war Dev toured the bog areas of the west in support of the Emergency turf campaign.


Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann  in Listowel

Johnny Hannon took this photo during Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann 1981. The hunger strikes in Long Kesh were on at the time and you can see posters of the hunger strikers on a caravan in the background. During the fleadh, sympathisers with the cause of the hunger strikers held a mock funeral  and some people hung black flags from their windows.